ALLAMERICAN NATIVE p,2,1:51.1; 3,1:49.4
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earning
2 14 8 11 $948,017
3 15 5 12 348,287
29 13 23 $1,296,304
Dan Patch 2-Year-Old Pacing Colt of the Year in 2002. At 2, winner elim. and Final Woodrow Wilson, elim. and Final Governor’s Cup elim. and Final Matron S., leg New Jersey Sires S., elim. Breeder Crown; second in Final Breeders Crown; third in elim. Lou Babic At 3, winner cons. Meadowlands P., elim. CanP., leg New Jersey Sires S., cons. Progress P., elim. North America Cup; second in
Final North America Cup; third in Final Cane P., elim. Breeders Crown.
By PRESIDENTIAL BALL p,2,1:54.2f; 3,1:50 ($3,021,363). Sire
of 270 in 1:55, 5 in 1:50 from 1115 foals, 777 winners from 924
starters and 166 earning over $100,000 including: CATHEDRA DOT
COM (M) p,3,1:51 ($1,520,487), BIGTIME BALL
p,1:48.2 ($1,487,673), ALLAMERICAN NATIVE p,3,1:49.4 ($1,296,304),
THUNDER BAY p,4,1:49.2 ($805,644), BROWNING BLUE CHIP
p,3,1:50 ($786,030), KLINGON HANOVER
p,3,1:51 ($718,677), DEX THE BALLS (M) p,2,1:54 ($625,851). Total earnings of
1st Dam
ARMBRO NASHVILLE p,3,1:58.1 ($18,020) by Big
Towner. 2 wins.
Dam of:
ALLAMERICAN NATIVE p,2,1:51.1; 3,1:49.4
($1,296,304) (Presidential Ball). As above.
ALLAMERICAN NADIA (M) p,2,1:54.4f; 3,1:53
($504,465) (Dragon’s Lair). 12 wins. At 2, winner 2 legs Pennsylvania Sires S., Pennsylvania All-Stars; second in Arden Downs S., elim. Three Diamonds P. At 3, winner Final Breeders Crown, elim. and
Final James Lynch P., leg Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Rose Red P.; secondin Final Rose Red P.; third in leg and Final Pennsylvania Sires S. Dam of RUSTY’S ALL IN p,2,1:53.2; 3,1:52.4f; 1:50.3f-’12($372,939),
APPRENTICE HANOVER p,2,1:49.4-’12 ($266,968).
From 462 starters, sire of 325 in 2:00, 159 in 1:55, 5 in 1:50, with earnings of $22,356,526, including:
A AND G’SCONFUSION (M) p,2,1:50.3; 4,1:50.2f ($1,472,566). Winner of 2007 HTA Nova Award, O'Brien Award and
USHWA Dan Patch Award for 2-Year-Old Pacing Fillies. At 2, winner Final She’s A Great Lady S., elim. and Final Three Diamonds P., Bluegrass S.; second in International Stallion S., elim. She’s A Great Lady S., elim. Breeders Crown. At 3, winner Final Breeders Crown, cons. Valley Forge P., elim. Fan Hanover S.; second in elim. Mistletoe Shalee P., elim. Breeders Crown. At 4, second inelim. Roses Are Red P.; third in Golden Girls P., leg Classic Ser. (Colorado Creek by Dexter Nukes)
NATIVE BRIDE (M) p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:50 ($707,493). At 3, winner elim. and Final Matron S., 3 legs and Final Pennsylvania Sires S., Glen Garnsey Mem., 2 legs and Final May Flowers Ser., Reynolds Mem. ,elim. Breeders Crown, elim. James Lynch P.; second in Adioo Volo; third in Final Breeders Crown. At 5, winner leg Cape & Cutter Ser.; second in leg Cape & Cutter Ser. (Nova by No Nukes)
SAYMYNAMESAYMYNAME (M) p,2,1:54.2f; 3,1:51.1f ($512,436). At2, winner 2 legs Pennsylvania Sires S., leg Pocahontas; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S.; third in Final Pocahontas. At 3, winner cons. Pennsylvania Sires S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. (Lean On Me by Real Artist)
NATIVE DOLL (M) p,2,1:51.4; 3,1:51.4f
($440,772). At 2, winner cons. She’s A Great Lady S., 2 legs Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Matron S.; second in Final Pennsylvania Sires S.; third in Final Matron S., elim. Three Diamonds P. At 3, second in cons. Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. James Lynch P.; third in Final James Lynch P. (Debras Charm by Walton Hanover)
PEDIGREE SNOB (M) p,2,1:51.4 ($439,369). At 2, winner Final Sweetheart P., Countess Adios, 2 legs Pennsylvania Sires S., The Standardbred; second in leg and Final Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Sweetheart P. At 3, second in Adioo Volo; third in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. (Hallmark Hanover by Arturo)
SPRIG HANOVER (M) p,2,Q1:57.3; 3,1:52.1 ($438,458). At 2, winner Flamboro Breeders S.; second in Champlain S., International Stallion S.; third in elim. Three Diamonds P., leg Pennsylvania Sires S. At 3, winner Final Northlands Filly S., heat Jugette; secondin race-off Jugette, elim. Fan Hanover S., elim. Northlands Filly S. (Special Beauty by Rustler
ASTOUNDING HANOVER p,2,Q1:57.1; 3,1:51.2f; 4,1:50f ($383,111). At 2, second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. At 3,
winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. ,leg Hopeful Ser. (Aw Shucks Hanover by
MUD PIE HANOVER (M) p,2,1:56.3f; 1:51f-’12 ($342,134). At 2, winner Arden Downs S., 7 Pennsylvania Fair S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. At 3, second in 7 Pennsylvania Fair S.; third in PA Fair Final at The Meadows. At 6, winner leg Cape & CutterSer. (Mud Hen by Call For Rain)
TREMOR HANOVER (M) p,3,1:56f; 1:51f ($333,371). At 2, second in2 Pennsylvania Fair S.; third in 2 legs EC Pace at The Meadows.At 3, winner PA Fair Final, 4 Pennsylvania Fair S. (Terrie Letsgoby Direct Scooter)
DAGNABIT HANOVER (M) p,2,1:53.4f; 3,1:53f; 4,1:52.1f ($304,821). At 2, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S., The Standardbred, Reynolds Mem. (Dashaway Hanover by Western Ideal)
A AND GS PRINCESS (M) p,2,1:55f; 3,1:51.1 ($285,338). At 2, winner 2 legs Pennsylvania Stallion Ser.; second in elim. and Final Matron S., elim. She’s A Great Lady S., elim. Three Diamonds P.At 3, winner elim. Fan Hanover S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Mistletoe Shalee P., elim. James Lynch P.; third in Final Mistletoe Shalee P. (Amorosa Hanover by The Panderosa)
DALLENBACH HANOVER p,2,1:55.1f; 3,1:54.1h; 1:49.3f-’12($284,328). At 3, second in leg EC Pace at The Meadows, leg
Hopeful Ser. (Dashaway Hanover by Western Ideal)
SAND SAVAGE p,2,1:53.1f; 3,1:52.4f; 4,1:50.4f ($250,770). At 2, winner Keystone Classic; second in 4 legs
Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Governor’s Cup, Arden Downs S. At 3, second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. (Sheer Hose by
EDDIE SWEAT p,2,1:52.1f-’12 ($68,933) At 2, winner Keystone Classic, Final Pennsylvania Stallion Ser.; second in 2 legs Pennsylvania Stallion Ser., LC Pace at Lexington; third in leg Pennsylvania Stallion Ser. (Popcorn Penny by Dragon’s Lair)
2 14 8 11 $948,017
3 15 5 12 348,287
29 13 23 $1,296,304
Dan Patch 2-Year-Old Pacing Colt of the Year in 2002. At 2, winner elim. and Final Woodrow Wilson, elim. and Final Governor’s Cup elim. and Final Matron S., leg New Jersey Sires S., elim. Breeder Crown; second in Final Breeders Crown; third in elim. Lou Babic At 3, winner cons. Meadowlands P., elim. CanP., leg New Jersey Sires S., cons. Progress P., elim. North America Cup; second in
Final North America Cup; third in Final Cane P., elim. Breeders Crown.
By PRESIDENTIAL BALL p,2,1:54.2f; 3,1:50 ($3,021,363). Sire
of 270 in 1:55, 5 in 1:50 from 1115 foals, 777 winners from 924
starters and 166 earning over $100,000 including: CATHEDRA DOT
COM (M) p,3,1:51 ($1,520,487), BIGTIME BALL
p,1:48.2 ($1,487,673), ALLAMERICAN NATIVE p,3,1:49.4 ($1,296,304),
THUNDER BAY p,4,1:49.2 ($805,644), BROWNING BLUE CHIP
p,3,1:50 ($786,030), KLINGON HANOVER
p,3,1:51 ($718,677), DEX THE BALLS (M) p,2,1:54 ($625,851). Total earnings of
1st Dam
ARMBRO NASHVILLE p,3,1:58.1 ($18,020) by Big
Towner. 2 wins.
Dam of:
ALLAMERICAN NATIVE p,2,1:51.1; 3,1:49.4
($1,296,304) (Presidential Ball). As above.
ALLAMERICAN NADIA (M) p,2,1:54.4f; 3,1:53
($504,465) (Dragon’s Lair). 12 wins. At 2, winner 2 legs Pennsylvania Sires S., Pennsylvania All-Stars; second in Arden Downs S., elim. Three Diamonds P. At 3, winner Final Breeders Crown, elim. and
Final James Lynch P., leg Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Rose Red P.; secondin Final Rose Red P.; third in leg and Final Pennsylvania Sires S. Dam of RUSTY’S ALL IN p,2,1:53.2; 3,1:52.4f; 1:50.3f-’12($372,939),
APPRENTICE HANOVER p,2,1:49.4-’12 ($266,968).
From 462 starters, sire of 325 in 2:00, 159 in 1:55, 5 in 1:50, with earnings of $22,356,526, including:
A AND G’SCONFUSION (M) p,2,1:50.3; 4,1:50.2f ($1,472,566). Winner of 2007 HTA Nova Award, O'Brien Award and
USHWA Dan Patch Award for 2-Year-Old Pacing Fillies. At 2, winner Final She’s A Great Lady S., elim. and Final Three Diamonds P., Bluegrass S.; second in International Stallion S., elim. She’s A Great Lady S., elim. Breeders Crown. At 3, winner Final Breeders Crown, cons. Valley Forge P., elim. Fan Hanover S.; second in elim. Mistletoe Shalee P., elim. Breeders Crown. At 4, second inelim. Roses Are Red P.; third in Golden Girls P., leg Classic Ser. (Colorado Creek by Dexter Nukes)
NATIVE BRIDE (M) p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:50 ($707,493). At 3, winner elim. and Final Matron S., 3 legs and Final Pennsylvania Sires S., Glen Garnsey Mem., 2 legs and Final May Flowers Ser., Reynolds Mem. ,elim. Breeders Crown, elim. James Lynch P.; second in Adioo Volo; third in Final Breeders Crown. At 5, winner leg Cape & Cutter Ser.; second in leg Cape & Cutter Ser. (Nova by No Nukes)
SAYMYNAMESAYMYNAME (M) p,2,1:54.2f; 3,1:51.1f ($512,436). At2, winner 2 legs Pennsylvania Sires S., leg Pocahontas; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S.; third in Final Pocahontas. At 3, winner cons. Pennsylvania Sires S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. (Lean On Me by Real Artist)
NATIVE DOLL (M) p,2,1:51.4; 3,1:51.4f
($440,772). At 2, winner cons. She’s A Great Lady S., 2 legs Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Matron S.; second in Final Pennsylvania Sires S.; third in Final Matron S., elim. Three Diamonds P. At 3, second in cons. Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. James Lynch P.; third in Final James Lynch P. (Debras Charm by Walton Hanover)
PEDIGREE SNOB (M) p,2,1:51.4 ($439,369). At 2, winner Final Sweetheart P., Countess Adios, 2 legs Pennsylvania Sires S., The Standardbred; second in leg and Final Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Sweetheart P. At 3, second in Adioo Volo; third in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. (Hallmark Hanover by Arturo)
SPRIG HANOVER (M) p,2,Q1:57.3; 3,1:52.1 ($438,458). At 2, winner Flamboro Breeders S.; second in Champlain S., International Stallion S.; third in elim. Three Diamonds P., leg Pennsylvania Sires S. At 3, winner Final Northlands Filly S., heat Jugette; secondin race-off Jugette, elim. Fan Hanover S., elim. Northlands Filly S. (Special Beauty by Rustler
ASTOUNDING HANOVER p,2,Q1:57.1; 3,1:51.2f; 4,1:50f ($383,111). At 2, second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. At 3,
winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. ,leg Hopeful Ser. (Aw Shucks Hanover by
MUD PIE HANOVER (M) p,2,1:56.3f; 1:51f-’12 ($342,134). At 2, winner Arden Downs S., 7 Pennsylvania Fair S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. At 3, second in 7 Pennsylvania Fair S.; third in PA Fair Final at The Meadows. At 6, winner leg Cape & CutterSer. (Mud Hen by Call For Rain)
TREMOR HANOVER (M) p,3,1:56f; 1:51f ($333,371). At 2, second in2 Pennsylvania Fair S.; third in 2 legs EC Pace at The Meadows.At 3, winner PA Fair Final, 4 Pennsylvania Fair S. (Terrie Letsgoby Direct Scooter)
DAGNABIT HANOVER (M) p,2,1:53.4f; 3,1:53f; 4,1:52.1f ($304,821). At 2, winner leg Pennsylvania Sires S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S., The Standardbred, Reynolds Mem. (Dashaway Hanover by Western Ideal)
A AND GS PRINCESS (M) p,2,1:55f; 3,1:51.1 ($285,338). At 2, winner 2 legs Pennsylvania Stallion Ser.; second in elim. and Final Matron S., elim. She’s A Great Lady S., elim. Three Diamonds P.At 3, winner elim. Fan Hanover S.; second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Mistletoe Shalee P., elim. James Lynch P.; third in Final Mistletoe Shalee P. (Amorosa Hanover by The Panderosa)
DALLENBACH HANOVER p,2,1:55.1f; 3,1:54.1h; 1:49.3f-’12($284,328). At 3, second in leg EC Pace at The Meadows, leg
Hopeful Ser. (Dashaway Hanover by Western Ideal)
SAND SAVAGE p,2,1:53.1f; 3,1:52.4f; 4,1:50.4f ($250,770). At 2, winner Keystone Classic; second in 4 legs
Pennsylvania Sires S., elim. Governor’s Cup, Arden Downs S. At 3, second in leg Pennsylvania Sires S. (Sheer Hose by
EDDIE SWEAT p,2,1:52.1f-’12 ($68,933) At 2, winner Keystone Classic, Final Pennsylvania Stallion Ser.; second in 2 legs Pennsylvania Stallion Ser., LC Pace at Lexington; third in leg Pennsylvania Stallion Ser. (Popcorn Penny by Dragon’s Lair)